Just as important as managing your blood sugar levels, people with diabetes should also have their eyes checked regularly for signs of diabetic eye disease...
Don and Kathy O’Toole had been traveling to Southwest Florida to escape the chilly New York winters for 15 years when they decided it was time to make Naples, Florida their permanent home. The two...
We are pleased to announce that Collins Vision is fully open once again. We are able to see patients...
We want you to know that in these uncertain times, our commitment to the Southwest Florida...
At Collins Vision, we don’t want anything to get in the way of you achieving the vision you deserve...
The most recent studies out there say that about 30 million Americans suffer from dry eye, a chronic...
It’s commonly said that if you have enough birthdays, you will develop cataracts. But is that...
Collins Vision has a longstanding commitment to service, both locally and globally. Led by founder...