United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades, and Okeechobee elected new board members at its annual meeting. Joining the United Way board of directors are the following:

Julian Agollari, Publix
Bob Beville, Waterman Broadcasting
Gary Brooks, Bonita Bay Community
Gary Bryant, I WILL Mentorship Foundation
Michael Collins, Collins Vision
Wane Herzog, Costco
Victoria Loyola, Markham Norton Mosteller Wright & Co.
Scott Nygaard, Lee Health
Dan O’Berski, Trinity Commercial Group
David Oliver, Chico’s FAS

All money raised in the United Way campaign stays in the community to help support its human service network. The United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades, and Okeechobee has raised and distributed more than $167 million since it was established in 1957.

For more information, visit www.UnitedWayLee.org