Carla’s Cataract Story

Hosting a high tea eventIf you’re an interior designer who now plans and executes gorgeously detailed and themed high tea events, you need to be able to see fine detail. To have sharp vision, both figuratively and literally, is essential. So when Carla P. of Naples started to notice her vision diminishing, she didn’t wait around to see if it would improve or decline further, or if she could just adjust to it.

Carla remembered an advertisement for Collins Vision she’d seen in an airline magazine on more than one flight while traveling from Florida to California in 2019. “It was a top doctor recognition article, and I remember thinking it was impressive that Dr. Collins was being recognized as a top doctor by other top doctors,” she said. “I also had the thought that he was local to the Naples area and young enough that he’d be around to care for my eyes for a long time.”

After learning a trusted friend had gone to Collins Vision for eye surgery and had a great experience, Carla was convinced.

A Priceless Investment in Herself

It turns out, Carla was experiencing the effects of cataracts. Still quite a few years away from the age where her Medicare would kick in to cover the cost of surgery, Carla decided that her vision was too important and that she didn’t want to wait.

Carla with her son on the golf course“Even beyond the cataracts, I’ve used glasses for years,” said Carla. “I’m quite farsighted, and I have astigmatism, too. But when it got to where I couldn’t see my face well enough to put my eye makeup on, and I couldn’t watch my son, a competitive golfer, play in tournaments, or even drive comfortably at night, I knew I needed to do something.”

After learning about Carla’s active and full lifestyle, Dr. Collins recommended the PanOptix trifocal lens. This premium lens is placed in the eye after cataract removal and is designed to allow the recipient to see well at distant, mid and close ranges without the need for corrective eyewear.

“My vision after cataract surgery is exceptional,” said Carla. “Nothing short of a miracle! I can see my eyelashes for the first time ever! I can read the back of a medicine bottle; I can read a menu in a restaurant. I’m even working with color in different ways. It’s amazing.”

Carla is so glad she decided to invest in herself with the selection of Refractive Cataract Surgery with a premium lens. Dr. Collins specializes in this advanced cataract procedure. “When people ask me about it, I tell them that if there’s any way you can manage it, you’ll be forever grateful,” she said. “For me, the quality of life I am experiencing today far outweighs the cost. I’m just extremely full of gratitude.”

Carla loves it when a fellow shopper will ask her to read a label for them at the grocery store. “That used to be me,” she said. “So I’m happy to do it. It’s nice to be able to give back.”

See the Good. See the Difference at Collins Vision

At Collins Vision, we like to say that we do things a little differently, and it’s all about you. We’re delighted that Carla had such a great experience during her time with us, and we’re grateful she is Seeing the Difference for herself. And now Carla can see the good in all of life’s little moments—with restored, improved vision.

Dr. Collins is a sought-after cataract surgeon with decades of experience. Ready to learn more about Refractive Cataract Surgery at Collins Vision? We’d be honored to serve you. Schedule your cataract evaluation today.